About Dorrie

About Dorrie

Hi everyone , I’m Dorrie and this is my website Symptoms Thyroid Cancer, I would like to tell you a little bit about myself. I have three amazing boys there the love of my life . We have had a little bit of hard time in the last 13 years. My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and pancreatic cancer 13 years ago. Yes our youngest was only three months old when he was diagnosed. He passed away four months later. I had a 7 month, 4 year, and a 6 year old, at the time he passed away.

Going Through Cancer

It broke our hearts losing a good husband and a amazing father.


About 8 years had past and another tragedy hit my family, my mother was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. So when my husband was diagnosed so was my mother with melanoma. Her melanoma was terminal just like my husband, they were doing chemo treatments at the same time but the chemo was killing them quicker so both of them decided to stop the treatments.

Losing My Husband

Well we ended up losing my husband and my mom made it for 8 more years so the second time it came back it was everywhere throughout her body and she only made it three weeks the second time around.

Me Living With Thyroid Cancer

About a year after we lost her I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I am currently living with it now. They have taken half of my thyroid out I still have the other half of my thyroid but there is still a lump in there and it’s cancer.

Symptoms Thyroid Cancer
My goal for this website is to give people information on the symptoms thyroid cancer. I think it’s important for people to be able to look for symptoms thyroid cancer and maybe be able to take care of there selves better.
Symptoms Thyroid Cancer is important information because you’re thyroid controls so many functions in our bodies and if I can help make a difference in people’s health and there lives I want to help.
If you would like to leave a comment please do at the 
bottom of this page thank you.

6 Replies on “About Dorrie

  1. Dear Donnie,

    my eyes filled with tears
    reading all the troubles you have gone through
    and how you stayed alive.

    Bringing up your kids
    and fighting your own cancer…

    You must be a very brave
    and strong woman

    Thank hou for sharing your experience
    with all of us


  2. Hi Dorie your story is heartbreaking and no place where any parent would like to be. I admire your spirit and willingness to fight when most people already would give up.
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    Zoom and Skype or Facetime is good too. I am looking forward to hearing from you hopefully soon.
    Warm regards, Tom

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